Revista Ação Ergonômica
Revista Ação Ergonômica

Guidelines and Policies

Open Access Policy

Ação Ergonômica journal publishes original articles in portuguese, english and spanish, offering free and immediate access to its content, in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition. There is no charge for access, submission, or publication of articles

Peer Review Process

The Revista Ação Ergonômica has a permanent editorial board and ad hoc evaluators, looking for the institutional, geographic, thematic, racial and gender diversity of its members. Both the members of the editorial board and the ad-hoc reviewers are researchers recognized by the academic community.

The manuscript submitted for evaluation is initially checked by the executive editors for formatting and relevance to the scope of the journal, and may be returned to the author(s) for corrections or even rejected, with due justification.

From this point onwards, the submitted articles are sent to two reviewers (evaluators), without identifying authorship (double-blind review process). After evaluation, the article can be approved, approved with reservations or rejected by the reviewers. The manuscript with corrections/adaptations indicated will be returned to the author(s) for further evaluation by the same reviewers.

The manuscript will be considered forwarded for publication if indicated as favorable, after the cycle of corrections, by the 2 (two) reviewers. In case of contradictory opinions, the work is forwarded to a third evaluator.

Reviewers must:

  • Notify the Executive Editors whenever there are suspicions of plagiarism or misconduct;
  • Evaluate manuscripts individually in an impartial manner and free from influence or prejudice of any kind. When submitting an evaluation, the reviewer must describe the potential conflicts of interest that may exist in relation to the evaluated work;
  • Promptly express whether or not you accept to carry out an assessment and deliver your opinion within the stipulated deadline; observing ethical rigor and maintaining total confidentiality;
  • Evaluate and ensure that potential conflicts of interest identified in the manuscript under analysis are communicated to the Executive Editors for action;
  • Provide mechanisms and encourage the use of plagiarism detection tools, following the guidelines of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) in all cases of suspected misconduct or lack of ethical attitude, seeking more information and taking the necessary actions by publishing expressions of concern, errata or retractions.

Guidelines for Authors

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission's compliance with all items comprised in the guidelines.

The list of authors must include only those who contributed to the conception, execution or interpretation of the manuscript. Any change to the list of authors must be requested from the Executive Editors with the agreement of all authors of the manuscript, including those being added or removed from the list.

All authors of the manuscript are equally responsible for the content submitted and must ensure that the text, data and ideas presented represent the original result of their own work and do not infringe the intellectual property of third parties, institutions or previously published works; taking responsibility and collaborating with requests for additional information for possible investigations. Potential conflicts of interest, whether financial, professional or personal, must be communicated separately to each Author.

The submitted manuscript must not be subject to previous publication, in whole or in part, including simultaneous submission in another publication medium.

Manuscripts involving research with human beings must contain approval from the ethics committee, informing the approval details during submission.

All supporting information from public or private institutions received by the authors must be declared, always identifying the institution and project number, if applicable, and a description of the institution's role in the way the research was conducted, prepared and the data collected and analyzed.

Authors must ensure the deposit of data used in the manuscript in scientific repositories for availability and facilitation of reproducibility, facilitating derivative studies. If data is available, it can be cited in the list of references. Authors must provide a statement stating whether the data is available (and how it can be obtained) including any data that cannot be made available due to legal issues, confidentiality, etc.

Copyright and License

Manuscripts published in Ação Ergonômica Journal are licensed and identified under a Creative Commons CC BY License. Submission of a manuscript to this journal implies the authors' agreement to its publication under this license.

Authors retain control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited. Citation must explicitly indicate the Ação Ergonômica Journal as the original source of manuscript publication. The author is responsible for obtaining permissions - from individuals, institutions, other authors, and/or publishers - regarding copyright for the use of images, tables, figures, methods, or any other elements used in the manuscript to be published.

Upon submitting a manuscript, authors declare: 1) that the contribution is original, having not been previously published, either in whole or in part, in any print or electronic media, except, where applicable, on preprint servers; 2) that it has not been nor will be concurrently submitted to other journals during its evaluation process by the Ação Ergonômica Journal; 3) that, if approved, they agree to its publication in this journal under a Creative Commons CC BY License, in electronic format or other media, as well as in bibliographic indexing databases and in directories and repositories of journals and scientific articles.


The magazine Ação Ergonômica follows and recommends that editors, authors and reviewers follow the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All cases of suspected plagiarism or misconduct must be reported, for investigation, to the Executive Editors when relating to the manuscript or reviewers; to the Chief Editor when dealing with issues relating to the Executive Editor. If necessary, expressions of concern, errata or retractions will be published.

Ação Ergonômica Journal is committed to ensuring ethics and best practices in scientific publishing. For this reason, the magazine follows the highest standards available.

We adopt the following documents as references for scientific integrity policies: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), “Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publications”; Council Of Science Editors, “CSE Guidelines for Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications”; SciELO, Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication

Editors are independent and maintain confidentiality regarding the work under evaluation.

Reviewers must provide clear, objective, and comprehensive input to editorial decisions in a timely manner while maintaining confidentiality about the work under consideration.

Authors must follow current scientific standards, especially in terms of originality of the publication.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We declare our commitment to promoting the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) with regard to the community of authors, reviewers and readers, highlighting: the consideration of diversity of sex, gender, race, geographic origin and stage in career path for the composition of the Editorial Board and selection of reviewers; endorsement of the Guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER); attention to the correct use of DEI terminology and the use of inclusive language in published articles; encouraging the publication of articles related to DEI in the magazine; effort to provide an inclusive environment in which all people have opportunities for development in the field of Ergonomics, Health and Safety at Work.

Privacy Statement

The names, addresses and additional data provided by authors and evaluators will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Formatting and Sending Manuscripts

Articles must be submitted via the Submit submission system (click here).

All documents to be sent must be prepared in MS Word ®, with Times New Roman font, size 12, single line spacing, a single column, spacing between paragraphs before 0pt and after 6pt. The specification for the top, bottom, right, and left margins is 2.5 cm. Document properties must be edited to prevent Author identification. The maximum length allowed is 30 pages.

Text modalities

Ação Ergonômica publishes the following types of articles:

1. Research Articles: original, unpublished research that represents technical-scientific advances;
2. Review Articles: critical evaluation of scientific literature on Ergonomics;
3. Case Report: report of an original intervention or description of a work-related clinical case;
4. Review: critical analysis of a book published in recent years;
5. Essay: detailed reflection, with greater freedom for the author to defend a certain position, aiming to deepen a discussion or present a new contribution.


Text Sections

Text formatting must include:

  • Article title - The title of the work must only be capitalized. Avoid using acronyms or formulas. If there are acronyms or other names that need to be capitalized, these are allowed. Keep in mind that your article title will often appear in search results, so create an informative and concise title.

  • Summary: Prepare your summary using up to 250 words, so that it can stand on its own, without the need for references and without using abbreviations. If it is absolutely necessary to use acronyms, these should be defined at the first opportunity.

  • Keywords: Include 3-5 keywords after the abstract.

  • Abstract: Compose an abstract using a maximum of 250 words, which can stand alone without the need for references, and without using abbreviations. If acronyms are necessary, they must be defined at the earliest opportunity.

  • Keywords: Include 3 to 5 keywords after the abstract.

  • Sections: Separate and organize your text clearly into numbered sections.

Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. (the summary should not be included in the section numbering). The article is expected to have at least the Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussions when applicable), Conclusion, References, and other information that may be necessary and that are common in scientific dissemination.

It is recommended that authors indicate, at the end of the article, whether the work was financed, whether it is the result of a master's dissertation or doctoral thesis, and in the case of research involving human beings, whether it was approved by the area's Ethics Committee, indicating the process number.

Figures and Tables

Figures, graphs, images, flowcharts, drawings must be cited in the body of the text in Arabic numerals and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Figure captions must be right below them. If there is text in the figure, check if it is in the language of the article.

Images should not be manipulated or adjusted in any way that could result in misinterpretation of information.

Graphics, photographs, diagrams, illustrations are considered as figures and must be named as such in the work. They must already be attached to the document and have good visualization (perfect reading of all texts and symbols used). If you use arrows, symbols, letters or numbers to identify parts of the figures, be sure to identify them clearly in the respective legend.

Tables and charts must always be editable, that is, created using the create table feature in MS Word. Use Tables to present quantifiable data and Charts to present non-quantifiable information. Tables and Tables must always be cited in the text, using Arabic numerals and the order in which they appear in the text. The caption must be a brief description of the Table or Chart.

Equations and mathematical expressions displayed inline can be expressed as plain text when possible. All mathematical expressions must be editable, created using the native MS Word editor and numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the order in which they appear in the text.

Citations and References

Make sure all citations are in the reference list and vice versa. The list of references must be compatible with the citations in the text and we recommend a maximum number of 40 references. All citations made in the text must be referenced following the standard established in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Citations made in the body of the text must always be followed by the year of publication of the reference: Donaire (1999) or (Donaire, 1999). When there are two authors, indicate the authors' surnames separated by “&” (inside parentheses) or "e" (outside parentheses): Ackermann e Eden (2001) or (Ackermann & Eden, 2001). If there are more than two authors, mention the surname of the first, followed by the expression “et al.”: Manso et al. (2015) or (Manso et al., 2015). If there is more than one article by the same authors published in the same year, distinguish them with lowercase letters: Manso et al. (2015a, b). To separate two or more citations, use the semicolon: (Manso et al., 2015; Ackermann & Eden, 2001; Donaire, 1999a, b).

The list of references should preferably be in APA style. However, authors can submit in any of the most established international formats (APA, Harvard, Chicago), as long as it is presented in alphabetical order of the first author's last name, followed by year order using lowercase letters (a, b, .. .) when necessary. References must present the name of all authors and the names of the periodicals must be indicated in full.

It is highly recommended that articles contain the DOI.

Examples of formatting according to the APA standard:


Donaire, D. (1999). Environmental management in the company (2nd ed.). São Paulo: Atlas.

Book chapter

Ackermann, F., & Eden, C. (2001). SODA: journey making and mapping in practice. In J. Rosenhead & J. Mingers (Eds.), Rational analysis in a problematic world revisited (2nd ed., pp. 43-61). London: Wiley.

Journal article

Manso, D. F., Suterio, R., & Belderrain, M. C. N. (2015). Structuring the disaster management problem in the state of São Paulo through the Strategic Options Development and Analysis method. Management & Production, 22(1), 4-16.

Rossner, M., & Yamada, K. M. (2004). What's in a picture? The temptation of image manipulation. Journal of Cell Biology, 166(1), 11-15.

Dissertation and thesis

Miranda, G. J. (2005). Company value and economic performance measures: a study in Brazilian wholesale companies (Master’s dissertation). Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia.

Work presented at event

Camilloti, B. M., Israel, V. L., & Chi, A. (2006). Need for a decision support system in acupuncture. In Anais do X Brazilian Congress of Health Informatics (pp. 1-3). Florianópolis: SBIS.


Brazil. (1991, September 25). Law No. 8,213, of July 24, 1991. Provides for Social Security Benefit Plans and other provisions (section 1, no. 142, pp. 21005-21011). Brasília, DF: Official Gazette of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

Electronic material

Norsys Software Corp. (2008). Norsys netica: bayesian networks graphical application. Retrieved September 22, 2008, from

Sending files

During the submission process, 3 documents are mandatory, namely:

1) Main Article WITHOUT author identification, in .doc or .docx;

2) Title Page;

3) Declarations.

Click here to download the template for the 3 files. 

Attention: In the case of submitting the revised manuscript after the review round, the authors must indicate the modifications and/or justify the unmade changes by including a letter to the editors or through comments in the unidentified article file.

R. Ação Ergon.

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